New restaurant open in school on pupils’ first day back

What a fabulous start to the new school year, for the The Prince of Wales First School. We absolutely love the new ‘Inspire To Learn Restaurant’ well done to all involved.  

Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day

On Thursday 13th June, the Alzheimer’s Society held a Cupcake Day which we were happy to support. Dementia affects many families in the UK and the Alzheimer’s Society is a charity which campaigns to find a cure and supports people … Continued

BBC Food and Farming Awards

Bridport Kitchen Manager Ashley Painter accompanied by his wife and his parents, Will Stork and Barry Dovell, attended the very prestigious BBC Food and Farming Awards Ceremony at Bristol City Hall.  Although Ash didn’t win his category (you’ll always be … Continued

Keep 106 Interview

Our Chief Executive Caroline Morgan was recently Interviewed by Keep106, to listen to the Interview please use the links below.