Healthy food is essential for learning…but we make it good fun too. We choose our menus to be a balance of tasty and healthy dishes and a nice treat for pudding – ‘Lush, lush, lush!’ as lots of our students say. Your children will soon be asking, ‘What’s for lunch today mum?’


Healthy body & mind

Schools have told us that children are often better behaved, calmer and concentrate more after they’ve had our cooked lunches. Obviously children need nutritious food to grow and learn, but we also find that children like eating with their friends, and will try new foods with them that they may not try at home.


It keeps them warm

On a cold day, a hot meal is much better than a sandwich and a bag of crisps.


It keeps them going

A good cooked lunch gives children the fuel not only for the afternoon’s learning, but also for after-school clubs – and it saves you having to load them up with snacks when school ends.


Healthy school

As well as the benefits for the students, our lunches are good for the whole school. Better behaved and engaged children make lessons more effective and easier for teachers. A proper lunch makes children more sociable. And we think food education is a really vital part of every child’s learning.


Convenient, and free for Key Stage 1 children

When your child has our lunches, you know that they’re getting a proper meal…without you having to cook it, or pack a lunchbox in the morning. It also takes the pressure off you to cook a big meal in the evening. If your child is Key Stage 1 (that’s Reception, Year 1 &2) they’ll get our lunches for free. If your child is in Year 3 or above, you could be eligible for means-tested free school meals.




Here’s what one parent told us about our lunches:


‘Loving the new menu choices – can’t say enough times how much both my girls love their school dinners !!! My little one is even eating the ‘yellow stuff’ now…….. !!! (Custard) x’